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We are approaching flu season and already the drug stores have begun their advertising campaign so that you understand instead of going to the doctor to get your flu shots you can just drop into your local CVS or Walgreen's to get inoculated.  However, this does come with possible affects.  Below is some interesting information about Europe.  Please read and then after the article please see what Acupuncture can do for you.

The Swedish Medical Products Agency has received reports from health care professionals regarding narcolepsy as suspected adverse drug reaction following Pandemrix flu vaccination.

The reports concern teenaged children who developed narcolepsy symptoms one to two months after vaccination against the H1N1 pandemic. Finland is also looking into the possible link following an increase in the sleeping disorder among children this spring.

According to The Local:

“In the European Union, around 30 million people were vaccinated using Pandemrix. Sweden bought 18 million doses, which was enough to provide two injections for each person in its 9.3 million population.”

The Pandemrix package insert shows that “somnolence”, although not narcolepsy per se, is a known potential side effect of the drug.

Finland's National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has also issued an order to stop the use of Pandemrix swine flu vaccine due the probable link to narcolepsy in children. The agency received six reports of children who developed chronic sleep disorders after they received the vaccine in January 2010, Seer Press News reports.

Six cases of narcolepsy with cataplexy – a rare disorder characterized by chronic sleepiness, together with a loss of muscle tone – have been detected in France in persons vaccinated against influenza A/H1N1.

As you may recall, Australia also banned the swine flu vaccine for children under the age of 5, back in April, 2010, due to excessively high rates of febrile convulsions.


Acupuncture has been around for between 5000 to 7000 years depending on the source.  However, the medical profession has only been around for a little over 100 years.  Although acupuncture is new to the western world it is becoming more and more prevalent.  Acupuncture is the study of meridians and the organs that those meridians flow through.  The electromagnetic energy that surrounds the body works with the electric energy of the nervous system.  When both are working properly the body will be completely healthy.  When they are not working properly illness will set in.  Acupuncture further understands that the body goes through seasons just as the earth does.  It is best to prepare the body for a season change and this is easily down with a visit to your local acupuncturist or health care professional that practices acupuncture.
By visiting the acupuncturist 4 times a year or when you feel a problem coming on you will ward off any issues that might be presented to the body.  Acupuncture often acts like a circuit breaker.  When there is a problem in the electrical system in the house a breaker is thrown.  Acupuncture flips the breaker on and often times provides more energy to a certain system that is in need of it and therefore creating health throughout the body.
I have provided acupuncture to many of my patients and have seen amazing results.  I encourage you to try acupuncture.  If you are afraid of the needles there are other ways to stimulate the acupoints in the body.  The World Health Organization lists many ailments that can be cured by acupuncture.  Remember the FDA in the US sees that irradiation, cutting it out or drugging it are the only procedures that help the body heal.
Dr. Betts

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