Products of the Month February 2014

Since this is Heart Awareness Month and we celebrate Valentine’s Day I felt it important to spotlight some excellent products that support your heart. Each product helps certain types of issues that your body might be experiencing. This months products are as follow: CARDIO-PLUS, CO Q-ZYME, HAWTHORNE, OPTIMAL EFA’S. Please see below for more information on each product.
Cardio-Plus helps support the cardiovascular system. Cardio-plus supports individuals who might be suffering from high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, angina pectoris, neuromuscular disorders, muscle atonicity, and coronary insufficiency. This product is specific for cardiac support, it supports nerve and muscles and overall cardiovascular maintenance. This product was used successfully to support the 1991 American Everest Expedition and the 1995 American Karakoram Expedition, with excellent reports from the Expedition medical doctor, and Expedition leader, relating to hypoxic conditions. This product supports the healthy functioning of the heart and other muscles, supports normal coronary blood flow, provides ingredients with antioxidant activity and support for increased oxygen demand during exercise.
CoQ10 is extremely necessary for energy production in the cell. Specifically an enzyme that is needed in the mitochondria which is the organism in the cell that makes energy. Statins which are cholesterol lowering drugs affect CoQ10 greatly in fact it will decrease significantly or stop production of energy within the muscle cell and cause muscle fiber death. Your heart is nothing but a big muscle and studies have linked low CoQ10 to heart failure. All patients currently on cholesterol lowering drugs should be taking CoQ10.
Hawthorn is a wonderful herb that supports the healthy functioning of the heart muscle. It helps maintain normal blood pressure within a normal range along with supporting normal coronary blood flow. Further it promotes cardiovascular system health and provides antioxidant activity.
This products contains ALA, EPA, DHA, GLA and Oleic acid all of which help stop inflammation. In fact studies have shown that this type of oil has a better track record for helping to prevent heart attacks than statins do. This product reduces the particle size and cholesterol number, and lowers the chance of a heart attack. This product helps reduce inflammation so anyone who has an inflammatory type symptom gets a fish oil. It reduces the symptoms of colitis, crohn’s, arthritis and pain to name a few. This is an excellent product to ensure that the heart is being supported with the nutrients that it needs for special reactions within the muscle as well as in the arterial walls that supply the heart with blood and oxygen.
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