So many people have been prescribed statin medications for the sole purpose of reducing their bad cholesterol. With statin drugs there are many side effects. Rhabdomyolysis is skeletal and cardiac muscle death, which is one of the side effects of statin drugs. Most of the medical profession prescribes this medication because, according to them, this drug is the only treatment that will reduce cholesterol. This is absolutely untrue according to Dr. Richard Betts. For the last two and a half years Dr. Betts has been guiding individuals throughout the community in decreasing their blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.
“Most participants will often see at least a 25 point decrease in their bad cholesterol. Several actually have seen a full 100 or more points taken off their cholesterol number. Statins cannot do this in 21 days”, Dr. Betts said. “With the negative effects that statin drugs give patients and the poor performance of statins people are fed up and are searching for alternatives. 21 Day Purifications really do get results that patients are looking for”, said Dr. Betts
Along with decrease in cholesterol participants have seen a decrease in blood sugar, a decrease in triglycerides, an increase in energy, decrease in their fat percentage, decrease in their BMI, decrease in their weight, heart burn or acid reflux completely healed, better looking skin and they learn how to eat properly in order to maintain the lower numbers that they achieve during the 21 Day Purification.
During the 21 Day Purification Dr. Betts will conduct Wednesday night weekly meetings in order to help each participant reach their health goal. Dr. Betts answers questions and provides excellent nutritional education so everyone will continue to benefit from their 21 Day Purification long after the purification is over. Dr. Betts is the only doctor in the community that provides this health promoting service. “I’m doing this because I care about people and their health. There are so many people trying to get lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar and lower triglycerides or lose weight by using drugs but its just not working otherwise everyone would be perfectly healthy. I’m here to guide the participant to a natural healthier body and life”, Dr. Betts shared.
The next 21 Day Purification will begin on July 29th at 6pm. At the first meeting each participant will have their BMI, fat percent, measurements and weight taken. These will be used to compare the numbers at the end of the purification. Each Wednesday night at 6pm Dr. Betts will conduct a meeting where all participants will get valuable information on how to reach their health goals and maintain them after the purification. During the purification each person will receive a daily email of encouragement and more information on how to reach their goals. Cost for the 21 Day Purification is $247 plus tax. This includes all of the required products, Dr. Betts’ expertise and guidance, tests (BMI, fat percent, measurements and weight pre and post purification).
The 21 Day Purification reduces toxic load and therefore some changes that a participant can expect is increased energy, clear thinking, increased skin health and a wonderful attitude toward life to name a few. There is limited seating for the purification so call 563-689-4560 and reserve your spot to ensure your seat. If you have any questions contact the office and Dr. Betts will be happy to answer them.
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