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Striving To Bring Timeless Tolerance To A Beautiful City

What makes a city beautiful?

The buildings? The brick roads? The lakes? The skyscrapers? The trees? The quaint neighborhoods? None of these attributes would exist without people. It is the people of a city that make a city beautiful. Each and every individual contributes to a cities beauty through their cultural heritage, the color of their skin, the money in their pocket or lack there of, and the loving and caring energy of people from all walks of life scurrying about simply trying to carve out an existence in the 'pursuit of happiness'. Some are making a better existence for themselves but each is still contributing to the energizing pulse of the city.

Ignoring The Underprivileged

Since time began there has always been a contribution of underprivileged humanity who would beg in the streets in order to get enough money for their next meal. With today's technology and with the United States being the wealthiest nation in the world it is amazing to me that the problem of homelessness still exists.

I believe it may exist because people are afraid of what they see. They are afraid that some day that may be them in the median at a stop light holding up a cardboard sign begging for food or work. Each one of us at some point in our lives has thought about 'what if'. It is so arresting that we tend to instantaneously push it out of our minds. We train our minds to ignore the feeble old lady pushing her shopping cart full of plastic bags down the street while in deep conversation with an imaginary friend that only she can see or hear.

Our Worst Fear

At many points during our lives we have had to face our fears. Our fear of heights. Our fear of spiders or snakes. Our fear of not being pretty enough or handsome enough. Our fear of going up to another individual and introducing ourselves because we are attracted to them. Our fear of intimately kissing another for the first time and whether it would be good or not. It is time for each of us to get over the fear of poverty and homelessness and help these deserving individuals. If for no other reason than to get over our fear of poverty by giving generously to help another human being who is experiencing our worst fear.

The Law

I am reminded of this ancient verse:

It is in giving that we receive.
As we sow abundantly,
we reap abundantly.
This is The Divine Law.

Charity And Its Ramifications

If we were to abide by this law on a daily basis just imagine what the world would be like. Once we earn money we tend to hoard it due to this underlying fear of poverty and homelessness. I'm not advocating splurging every paycheck on what ever we desire but I am requesting that we consider the verse above. For if we followed this Law and gave a measly 10 or 20 percent as charitable contributions we would receive even more money in return. I encourage each reader to try this for an entire month and see what comes of it.

There are some of us living paycheck to paycheck however there are things that we think we need that we could easily do without. Take the money that we would spend on an extravagance like a movie, or a six pack, or a pizza and give it to your favorite charity. It doesn't make any difference what charity you tithe to for I guarantee you will see abundance ricochet back into your life. Much more than you gave away as this is the Law of Giving.

Not only do we receive monetary abundance but we will also receive a feeling of love, compassion and overwhelming positive warm glowing energy. This type of energy helps the body stay healthy and happy. For simply helping others we are helping ourselves.

Help The Homeless


Since I understand that we do not live in a panacea our challenge as residents of our beautiful city is to try to create an agreeable solution for our homeless residents. Given their situation it is difficult for them to speak out. Decisions are being made that are not in their best interest. It is time that we speak out for our fellow brothers and sisters who just happen to be homeless as they are up against corporations with endless deep pockets who are trained to fight until the death.

It is up to the residents who care about the treatment of human kind to confront corporations optimistically. For without optimism no dream will ever spontaneously appear. It is time for individuals and organizations to unify and help the homeless.

Importance Of Unification


This unification must happen not only with those trying to help the homeless but those corporations and individuals that want to rid the city of this 'blight'. Yes, the only way the issue is going to be solved is to get all parties together to create a plan that will be beneficial for all involved. We ask that you be part of this movement. Embrace your fears and help those who are less fortunate. By doing so, you will see enormous benefits by the simple loving gesture of feeding those who are underprivileged and living in your beautiful city streets.

Dr. Betts

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