This site is dedicated to helping others create a peaceful energetic existence and a healthy mind, body and spirit.


Give Thanks For All

Believe it or not I actually have a journal that is entitled 'Thank You'. I try to write a couple of pages per day with nothing but thanks. It is one of my morning rituals that takes approximately 15 minutes. It allows me to create a positive attitude first thing in the morning. Imagine if everyone in the world were to take 15 minutes in the morning and keep a journal of thanks. I beleive there would be much more peace in the world.

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Reintroduce Yourself To Dreams, Ideas And Vitality

There are so many opportunities in this world that we all take for granted. In the beginning each of us is an individual full of life, vitality, dreams and ideas. As we grow older we tend to focus on our immediate families and friends. As children those amazing dreams, vitality, and ideas are constantly a part of our reality. When we reach a certain age rather than pursuing those ideas and dreams we seem to loose touch with our childhood and move onto adulthood. Having families and focusing on family and friends.

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Creating A Peaceful Earth ... Be Fully Present

This is the third installment of 'Creating A Peaceful Earth' where I will discuss Being Fully In The Present. Today many of us tend to worry so much that we are anticipating the events of the future and not realizing that the present is most important and the only place we can exist. In fact most of the inventions today thrive on making sure we anticipate the future when in fact we should be enjoying the present. I have seen so many people talking on cell phones while on an outing with their family. It surprised me to see that one particular family of four was obviously on a family outing and all four individuals were on cell phones carrying on conversations with callers and completely ignoring each other. This practice has become much more prevalent in the last 15 years and continues to escalate at an alarming rate. Is this practice healthy?

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To Think, Or Not To Think Positively? That Is The Question

A Complicated World. As the world becomes more complicated I find myself and others aligning with the negative aspects of the world. Yes, there are atrocities happening within the world. The United States of America is at war. Whether it is a war that we should be in or not is not for me to ponder, however; is it very difficult not to question some of the decisions that have been made in the past 5 years or so. If we continue to contemplate the many who are dieing needlessly because of this war we are only opening ourselves to negative influence.

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Practice Random Acts Of Kindness

Today the world is so chaotic with so many things to manage that we completely disregard our fellow human beings and only attend to our families needs. Of course our family always comes first but there are simple things that we can do to show others kindness. The art of simply holding the door open for a person has gone by the way side. We are so intent on getting places quickly we forget to be courteous. It seems that our manners have gone by the way side as well. We have forgotten how to say, 'Thank you and please'.

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