This site is dedicated to helping others create a peaceful energetic existence and a healthy mind, body and spirit.


Children Are Our Future

On Easter weekend there was a gang shoot out on a local beach. Three individuals were seriously shot. According to the report there is always a gang related shooting on this beach every Easter. No one knows why and there is no speculation as to why. This has been taking place for at least the last ten years. Police had increased the patrol to this area as they were tipped off to a possible altercation. The beach was filled with Easter beach goers and police but the gun fire still took place. Why?

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News Reports, Mammogram Linked To Cancer

News Report, Mammogram Creates Cancer Recently there has been news reports that the yearly mammogram women are encouraged to get could actually be causing cancer. This is interesting as I have known this for quite some time. Anyone who understands the anatomy of the female breast and what x-ray's do to this or any tissue would have realized this procedure causes cancer. The breast has some of the most highly sensitive tissue in the human body. It is my belief that the only tissue that is more sensitive is the ovaries which house the eggs for human reproduction.

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Creating A Peaceful Earth ... Relax

This is the second installment of 'Creating A Peaceful Earth' where I will discuss Relaxation.

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Drink Chemical Free Water!!

Water is an integral part of the human body. The body is made up of seventy percent water according to scientists. However, take into consider most of the material of the body such as bone, muscle, skin, organ tissue and ligaments all include cells. Each cell must contain water for a cell has many organs within it that rely on water for health, waste and nutrient delivery to sustain life. My belief is that the body is made up of much more water than our scientific community believes.

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Wisdom Of The Human Body

Do you acquire wisdom as you age or have you always had wisdom? As a doctor I understand that all functions of the body are automatically carried out unconsciously including breathing, pumping blood, and replacing dead cells. Papers continuously being published in the Journal of the American Medical Association detail new life sustaining tasks that the body performs. Science is finally realizing that the human body has its own wisdom from conception.

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